Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday Hiatus

I decided to put the full speed ahead Isagenix plan on the shelf until after Christmas.  I still need to be in Phase I to lose my remaining weight, but it is too hard for me during the holidays.  I am too wimpy to pass on all the goodies.  

I'll be trying to make good eating choices over the next few weeks so that I don't lose all the progress I've gained and I'll see you in January when I'm going to hit it hard again!  I need to be ready for swimsuit season, my goal is to fit into a bikini and feel good about the way I look in it!

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Still here

I'm still here...

I'm a little off the wagon.  Ok, not just a little.  A lot.  I've pretty much been off the wagon for about six weeks.  It started with our trip to Paris, and then Halloween.  This week I've felt like crap and I realized it was because of the way I've been eating!

The good news is I only gained back 5lbs of the 40 I lost.  I'm mad I let myself gain back ANY but 5 is better than 40. 

So, back on the wagon I go.  Wish me luck...Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, our Anniversary,'s like the Gauntlet of Gluttony.  Ugh.  

Viva Isagenix!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Holly's 90 Day Mark

Today is my 90 day mark doing Isagenix and I am still happy as ever with it!  This month I lost only 8.5lbs which is the least amount I've lost in a 30 day period so far...but I was sick for two weeks and in Paris for I think that's pretty good!!  I pretty much was OFF Isagenix for those three weeks and I still lost weight.  We got back from Paris this past weekend and I'm looking forward to hitting Isagenix again hard and kicking more weight to the curb!

At my 90 Day mark I've lost a total of 40lbs and 46.75"!!!  I'm now down from a TIGHT size 18 to a size 12.  I am running out of clothes that fit...because they are all too big! 

Ok, now on to the fun part...the photos.  They are beginning, 30, 60, and 90 days L to R:




And here is a nice collage showing my before pic and 90 day pic:

I'm almost at my half way point...
40lbs down and 42.5 to go!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sickies...and a landmark

I've discovered something that will sap all my motivation for keeping up with the Isagenix lifestyle.  Being sick.  

The last week all I've wanted to do is sleep, drink OJ, take warm showers...and repeat.  On last Monday I was so excited to be 1.5lbs from a major landmark (200lbs)...and I expected to blow through it by mid-week.  Well, the bug I caught had other plans.  

I did finally weigh myself this morning...199.  I'm excited, but definitely not dancing...I'm too tired for that.  I am starting to feel on the mend, which is good.  Hopefully in another day or two I'll be back at my routine.  

I need to feel better ASAP, after all, I need to pick out my "weighing below 200lbs reward"'s a good one!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

60 Days!

Today marks 60 days since we began this journey.  I have to say that I am flabbergasted at how well Isagenix has worked for me.  I LOVE the products, I LOVE how I feel, and I LOVE that the numbers on the scale keep going down...I am just SO SO SO happy about how this is going! for the numbers.  I started at 232.5lbs and 360.75"....I am now at
201lbs and 324" (measured across 12 points...see my "Holly" tab for a more detailed breakdown)!!!   
I've lost 31.5lbs and 36.75"
in 60 days!!!

I have now lost
MORE than how much our little boy weighs.  That puts it into perspective!!  Every time I pick him up I think "holy moses, I've gotten rid of THAT MUCH excess?!??!!" on to the photos.  

But first I just have to mention this.  In the beginning I was
NOT very excited to take, let alone POST these photos.  I thought about just keeping them safe and secure and private on my external hard drive...but then I realized that posting them publicly added another layer of accountability.  And now, after losing some weight and inches I'm glad I have them to look back on and be able to SEE my results.  

Here are the pics....L to R: before, 30 days, and 60 days.


And all of those are great...but here's a collage that shows it the best.  This is my before pic paired with my 60 day pic:

I'm just going to keep going, doing what I'm doing and hope and pray that the results keep on coming along.  I only have 1lb to go before I hit 200 and I told myself I could get a reward when I did...stay tuned to see what it is!

31.5 down, 51 to go!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Off the wagon...and a cleanse day

We spent the past weekend in the Calabria region of southern Italy.  Oh man...I had THE BEST cannoli of my life on Sunday.  It was made with free-range sheep ricotta, a fresh shell and crushed pistachio and chocolate.  YUMMY.  I also had seafood ravioli, onion zeppolini, pizza, and buffalo mozzarella.  And a couple Italian Coke Zeros.  And possibly also a few of Miles' Italian cheeto-thingies (it was a 5 hour drive...not that that is an excuse...)  I got home and immediately weighed myself...I'd gained 4lbs over the four day weekend.  I weighed myself the next morning and discovered it was only 2.5...better, but still not happy.  So to help kick our bodies back into Isagenix mode we did a cleanse day on Tuesday.  When I weighed myself this morning I was .5lb lighter than when we left for vacation.  Pfew!  

Isagenix is a demanding lifestyle.  But I also have to be realistic and know that I will not always have the availability of Isa-friendly food.  I tried to always choose the healthier of my options...and sometimes that will be the best I can do.  

So onto the Cleanse Day.  It was my first...even though I've been doing Isagenix for close to two months.  Instead of a full day cleanse I've been doing gentle, every-other night cleansing and have been happy with my results.  The cleanse day was as hard as I imagined.  Feeding Miles his meals while I drink water and Cleanse for Life (which is good, but NOT filling...obviously) was not easy.  I did notice that I was hungry (which is usually NOT the case on Isagenix), and cranky, and I even got a little headache.  But the overall result was worth it.  Yes, I dropped 3lbs, but more importantly I felt better...after getting all that junk from the weekend out of my system!  I think we will start doing regular cleanse days.  

But I'm excited...Monday is my 60 day mark on Isagenix!!  Keep a look-out for my pics and measurememnts.  

I'm also going to be trying out some yummy new recipes: cauliflower mashed potatoes, flourless zucchini brownies, and parsnip fries. (As long as I can find parsnips here in Italy)

Chicken, veggie, and 'rice' stirfry

One thing I have found myself craving is rice.  I've done ok with sweets and bread and soda (which honestly surprised me A LOT...I love my Italian Coke!!) but I've craved a side of rice with my veggies.  I saw on Pinterest a recipe to make 'rice' out of cauliflower so I decided to give it a shot.  I added it to a super yummy stir-fry.  

Ok, how to do it.  It is SO easy...I promise.  

1-  wash and dry your cauliflower.  
2 - grate it using a cheese grater (or use a food processor)
3 - cook it (steamer, boil, microwave, whatever)

Seriously, that's it.  

Ok, now how I did my recipe.  

1- Heated some olive oil, minced garlic, chili powder, crushed red pepper flakes and some fresh ground pepper and sea salt in a pan.  Cook until you can really smell the garlic...just a minute or two
2- Add in diced green onions, chopped yellow peppers, and some chopped zucchini.  I also added a dash of soy sauce and a squirt of Rooster Sauce (Sriracha is the official name) because I like it spicy.   Saute until the peppers just barely start to turn soft.  
3- Stir in the chicken (already cooked, cut into cubes) and halved cherry tomatoes, and your (uncooked) 'rice'.  Cook for 3-4 mins


I loved this so much I plan on making it once a week!  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Vision Board

Making a vision board may seem like something you'd do in 7th grade...but it helps, I swear.  It gives you something visual to look at to help keep you motivated.  

Grab a few old magazines or photos of yourself (don't use ones where you feel you look bad...use photos of your GOALS) and cut away...glue 'em on a piece of paper and viola!  

Here's mine: 

Let me explain some parts...
See the woman with her hands on her hips and her legs crossed?  I haven't been able to comfortably cross my legs for years.  My thighs are too fat and it hurts my knees.  It's something so simple but I can't wait to be able to comfortably, painlessly cross my legs.  
And the 'Fit back into your wedding dress'?  When we got married I had photos taken and I love them...but I'd LOVE to have photos taken of Nathan and I on our 15th anniversary in my dress and his tux.  
There's a marathon runner in the upper left corner...I used to LOVE running, but my weight puts too much stress on my knees, causing me MASSIVE pain if I try and run.  I want to get back to my running self.  
Sprinkle in a bunch of positive words like miracle, beauty, happiness, great, strength...and you've got my vision board.  I have this propped up on my dressing table so I see it every morning when I get ready. 

If you create one I'd love to see it...leave the link in the comments!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

30 Days!

Well, we finished our first 30 Days!!  (well...I did, Nathan is traveling out of the country on business so he's on a modified version...we'll check up on him next time) 

I have to say that I feel GREAT!  Not just because other people are noticing that I'm losing weight, or because I am down TWO pants sizes (!), or because the number on the scale is going down...those are all wonderful things...but I feel great because I set a goal, stuck with it and finished it!  I wanted to try out Isagenix for 30 Days, see how I liked it and then go from there.  I admit I was a bit skeptical...nothing has worked for me in the past so why should this??  But it did work.  I feel healthier, I sleep better, I have less stress...Isagenix is AMAZING!!  So what now?  Well, because it's actually working I'm not stopping!  I want to get back to my healthier weight, where I will be able to run again.  I just can't do it at the weight I knees won't let me.  

Ok, accountability time.  I didn't cheat for the 30 days.  Not. once.  No soda, candy, baked goods, bread, pasta, fruit (that one was the hardest!), chips...not even so much as one chocolate chip or a bite of Miles' Mac n' Cheese.  It wasn't always easy, especially at the baby shower I went to, the many BBQ's I attended and having to say no to dinner invitations, but it's been worth it.  

Now for the numbers: 

I am now at 215lbs and 338.25" - I started at 232.5lbs and 360.75" (inches measured across 12 points...see my tab for details)

That's right folks, I lost 17.5lbs and 22" in 30 days!!!  Here are some before and after pics.  I think I notice it the most on the side pic...what do you think?

17.5 down, 65 to go!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Daily Routine

I thought I'd give a rundown of what our daily routine is...just as an idea.  You don't have to do it exactly like this...I developed this plan based on my lifestyle and several other plans I read about.  You take the system and make it work for you!

First, we are using the 30 Day has everything you need conveniently packaged together for you.  The only thing you'd have to add to the order is the Ageless Essentials vitamins (if you want...totally up to you) and some more of the Want More only get a few and you'll definitely want more.  Nathan has one every morning in his shake...I prefer mine in water, almost like a Gatorade. 

7:30am - Ionix Supreme.  This is the FIRST thing I do when I get up...before I get the baby up or pee or anything...I take my Ionix (that way I don't get sidetracked) You can get this in liquid or powder versions.  We do liquid, I've heard the powder doesn't dissolve well except in warm water and I don't want to have to deal with that.  I'm all about ease of use...and pouring it out of a bottle is pretty easy! You take 1oz of the Ionix Supreme and mix it with 3-4oz of water.  It isn't the best tasting thing...but I just quickly drink it down. 

Natural Accelerator & vitamins - Immediately after I take the Ionix Supreme I take my Natural Accelerator capsule and my morning pack of vitamins. We have been taking the Ageless Essentials for Men/Women from Isagenix...haven't yet decided if we'll keep doing this or find a cheaper alternative.

8am - Breakfast: IsaLean shake.  I've talked about the shakes before...and I still REALLY enjoy them.  I think the key is to change it up...I try not to have the same flavor combinations two days in a I don't get bored.

(this is when I usually exercise...after my shake, and before lunch)

10am - Snack.  Isagenix has Snacks, and I also do almonds.  The IsaSnacks are the shape of a large Tums.  They taste like hot chocolate pressed into a tablet form.  I think they're actually not that bad.  If I do IsaSnacks and almonds, I have one IsaSnack and 3 almonds. (NOT salted...just plain, old almonds)  If I do just Isagenix Snacks I have 2, or if I have just almonds, I have 6 almonds.  If you have trouble getting 24 oz of veggies at lunch, sometimes I'll add a handful of tomatoes or a wedge of cucumber to my snack. 

12pm - Lunch.  4oz of lean protein and 24oz of veggies.  This is a LOT of veggies.  Yesterday for lunch I had marinated chicken that we'd grilled on or BBQ, .5lb of sauteed zucchini, half a red pepper cut into strips, a cucumber, a pickle, and a handful of tomatoes.  The most important thing to do is GET A SCALE...eyeballing portions sizes is tough, and I still get it wrong.  Your meal (called your fork & knife meal) should be between 400-600 calories.  CHECK to make sure...guessing isn't going to help you reach your goals!

2pm - Snack (same as above)

4pm - Snack (same as above)

6pm - IsaLean Shake (same as shakes above)

10pm - Cleanse for Life & IsaFlush

In addition to this I drink a TON of water.  How much?  You should be drinking HALF your weight in water everyday.  So I weighed 232 to start.  Half is 116.  I should be drinking at least 116oz of water A DAY.  Don't guess.  Get a water bottle with ounces marked.   Keep track.  I have a blackboard in my kitchen, and I keep a tally everytime I fill it up.  I also try and drink 8oz of that water before each meal (including shakes).   

Also, some rules.  No pasta, bread, or rice.  No fruit.  No soda, candy, chips, cake, brownies, ice cream (duh).  No coffee, alcohol, tea, juice.  And not all veggies are potatoes (white, sweet, red...all of them), corn, carrots or peas.   Some of these rules change slightly once you reach your goal weight/finish the 30 days.

On RARE occasions if you need to switch your lunch and dinner (so your fork and knife meal is at dinner) it's ok.  But it will slow your progress...the shake puts your body in fat-burning mode, which is where you want it while you sleep.  I've only had to do it once during my first 30 days...and that was all because of lack of planning on my part.  Attaining your goals is all about sacrifice. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Others are noticing!

So I've noticed the changes in my body for a week or so.  Clothes are starting to fit looser, I am seeing a bit more definition in my arm/leg muscles.  Nathan notices (well...what he can via Skype...he's out of the country for work for a month), but today my landlady noticed!  She told me (I Italian is still coming) that my belly was getting smaller...and yesterday a friend told me she can tell I'm losing weight.  

I tell ya, hearing that is the biggest shot of confidence.  I CAN DO THIS.  I love that I see results of my hard work on Isagenix!!  For so many years I tried and tried but never got's wonderful to finally be on a program that rewards your hard work!

Our first 30-day stint is over this weekend...I can't wait to take measurements, pics, etc and see how far I've come.  I know I have a ways to go, but it is easier to put in the effort when you see results!!

Monday, August 6, 2012


I just finished five days of the Bedtime Belly Buster (BBB).  It is supposed to wipe out belly fat.  I have plenty to lose so I was up for the challenge.  So I ordered the stuff for the BBB and anxiously waited.  To do the BBB you need IsaPro and IsaCalcium.  You mix 1 scoop of each (if you get super upset tummy, reduce the calcium to 1 tsp...I was fine)  in 8oz of water and drink on an EMPTY stomach 30 mins before going to sleep.  I found conflicting information on cleansing, so I did NO cleansing for those five days.  (I normally to gently nightly cleansing instead of full day cleanses) 
Here's the verdict: it works!!  I lost 3.5lbs and 5 inches across three measuring points (diaphragm, natural waist, and belly button) in five days...that isn't bad!  Here is a doesn't look like a ton...but I do have a LOT of belly fat to lose, and it's a nice start.  I think you notice it from the side most.  

Ok, now for my tips/impressions:

1 - It MUST be mixed in lukewarm water.  The colder the water the lumpier the consistency.  I never tried it in is WAY too hot here for that!  (100 degrees today!)  I would fill a glass with room temp water, put the IsaPro in, GENTLY mix, then add the IsaCalcium and GENTLY mix.  Why do I say gently?  Because if you blend it or if you mix vigorously it foams up HUGE and can cause gas and tummy ache.  

2 - It is not the most pleasant thing to drink.  I'm not gonna lie...I had to just chug it down and chase it with water.  

3 - Heavenly sleep is a pleasant, and welcome added side effect of BBB.  I slept sounder the last five nights than I have in a LONG time.   

I will definitely be doing BBB again in a few weeks...let me lose a little more, gain some more lean muscle in my belly and try again. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Taco Zucchini Boats

I tried something on a whim yesterday and it was YUMMY!  I'd made a bunch of lean ground beef for tacos (using a nice crisp lettuce as the "shell")  I portioned off the leftovers and figured I'd use them the following day in a salad.  Well that night while perusing Pinterest I saw something I thought could I decided to give it a shot.   The result was SUPER delicious so I wanted to make sure I got it down so I'd remember...and so you could try it too!

Taco Zucchini Boats

I took two medium size zucchini, sliced them in half and used a melon baller to scoop a trench in each one.  I chopped up 1/2 a yellow pepper and mixed it with the meat I'd set aside from the day before.  I spooned this into the zucchini, baked at 350 for about 25 mins.  When it was done I pulled it out of the oven, grated some fresh Parmesan on it and gave it a good 2-3 twists of fresh ground pepper/garlic/salt (a McCormick seasoning that is AMAZING)

If you try it, let me know what you think!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A cool site

I found a site online where you can enter your height, current weight and your goal weight and see what you look like now and a simulation of what you'll look like when you lose weight.  Here's mine: 

You can go HERE to do your it, it's fun!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


As of yesterday we've been doing Isagenix for a week...and so just for the heck of it I thought I'd weigh myself and I'm down 7.5lbs!!!  I am SO very excited!!  I didn't re-do all my measurements, but I did check my natural waist, thighs, calfs and boobs...and ALL of them are less, most at least an inch!!  I cannot even explain how exciting this is!! (wow, that's a lot of exclamation points) 

I have PCOS and have suffered with weight gain most of my adult life, and nothing I have done (except Atkins..whose effects were only short term) helped me lose weight.  I'm glad for the success, it made last night and today easier.  We were invited to a birthday party BBQ last night and another BBQ today to say good-bye to some friends who will be leaving for the states soon.  It was tough to sit in those settings and not be able to bite into a big, juicy cheeseburger or have a handful of chips...and the sight of a Diet Dr Pepper almost had me in cold sweats.  But I remembered the success I've had to far and I didn't want to waste it.  Yay Isagenix!!  

I was reading a message board thread and one guy lost 50lbs in 50 days...and I think this might be my new (short term) goal.   My Day 50 would be the 31st of August.  I'd LOVE to be down 50lbs by will be hard work, but I'm up to it! 

7.5 down 42.5 to go!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 7

Today was the first day that I had real cravings for naughty food.  But it was probably my fault.  I didn't plan well and after I took Little Bit to his doctor's appointment I ran into a friend in the grocery store...we chatted for 45 mins and I didn't realize how close it had gotten to lunch.  I still had stuff to get and walking past the rows of bread and chips and soda was tough...I would have caved if my pocketbook hadn't stopped me.  (After all Isagenix isn't cheap and I want to get my money's worth!) Well I finished as quick as I could, zipped home (35 mins away) and ended up having my lunch and hour and a half late.  Eyecarumba!  I will NOT be doing that again.  

Other than that, things are going pretty good.  We marinated a bunch of chicken tenderloins in a McCormick's 'Mexican Fiesta' spice packet (plus extra garlic and some fresh ground pepper) for 24 hours, cooked them on the grill and divided them into proper portions (about 4oz).  They are DELICIOUS!  I went back to the store to get a few more packets of that marinade because it's so good!  

For lunch today I wrapped the chicken, green pepper slices, and cucumber slices in lettuce.  Yummy, yummy!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Here are some of the things we've gotten to help us on Operation Isagenix.  We wanted to make sure we made this journey as easy as possible so we wouldn't have any excuses to quit.  So we bought special equipment...yes, some of it we could have used things we already had (like our regular large blender) but these things all made one or two steps a bit easier. 

Almost everything has been purchased from Amazon...being stationed overseas makes it hard to find certain things...Amazon is a lifesaver!

20 oz Blender Ball 
You don't really need this...but I like being able to put my blended shake in it and keep it mixed as I drink it.  I don't chug my shakes, I take time to enjoy them.

OXO Good Grips Mini Angled Measuring Cup

This is a tiny little measuring cup that is very handy in measuring our morning liquid Ionix Supreme.

OXO Good Grips Scale
This is a super fancy don't need one this crazy.  But a scale is something you DO NEED.  I am not good at eyeballing quantities and I want to make sure we're doing this right. 
Hamilton Beach Single Serve Blender

Handy little blender with two cups.  It blends pretty good for a tiny little fella.  It cleans up pretty easy too...make sure to rinse it after you blend and you're set. 
Ice cube tray that makes tiny, pellet ice cubes
I've seen these at Dollar Stores back in the states, but here in Italy I've had no such luck...again, thank you Amazon!  This ice cube tray is makes tiny little pellets.  They are like the size of DOTS candy. 

Under Armor Water bottles
Any water bottle will do...I like these ones because there are no straws or tiny parts that can collect germs and mildew. 

Day 3

Today was a little bit rougher...not sure if it's the heat or what, but I was tired.  And hungry.  

Today's New Shake:
Chocolate Cinnamon: 8oz water, handful of ice, 2 scoops IsaLean Chocolate Shake mix, 2 packets truvia, 1 Tbs cocoa powder, cinnamon extract.  This was SUPER yummy...tasted like a melted down, blended up chocolate covered cinnamon bear.  Mmmm

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Turkey Meatloaf

This is the first protein recipe we used.  It is super easy and can be made ahead of time, frozen and then used as needed.  

- 2.5 lbs ground turkey
- 1/4 green pepper, chopped
- 1/4 red pepper, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 eggs
- Seasonings of choice, we used fresh ground pepper, cumin and a tsp of taco seasoning. 

Mix all together, put in loaf pan, bake at 375 for 45 mins.  

Makes 10 servings.

Day 2

I tried Want More Energy in my shake today (Nathan had it yesterday and he really liked it)...I put it in the chocoalte and I was not a fan...but Nathan thinks it's yummy.  Guess it's just a personal preference!  

New Shake Recipes:
Key Lime: 8oz water, handful of ice, 2 scoops IsaLean Vanilla shake mix, 2 packets truvia, lemon extract.  Ok, so it isn't Lime (haven't found lime extract yet)...but with the vanilla and the lemon is did taste like a key lime was yummy and very refreshing on a hot summer night.  
Vanilla WME: 8oz water, handful of ice, 2 scoops IsaLean Vanilla shake mix, 2 packets truvia, 1 envelope orange Want More Energy

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 1

Today went better than I thought.  I have been on so many diets that I was expecting, as I had learned from past experience, to be hungry all day.  But I wasn't...and I know it may have been a placebo affect, but I FELT better.  

Today's shakes: 
Chocolate mint: 8oz water, handful of ice, 2 scoops of IsaLean Creamy Chocolate Shake Mix, 2 packets of Truvia, pure mint extract
Chocolate WME: 8oz water, handful of ice, 2 scoops of IsaLean Creamy Chocolate Shake Mix, 1 packet of Orange Want More Energy (WME)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here we go!

We took our before pics tonight after our day at the beach.  We will start tomorrow morning with our Isagenix stuff...we are VERY excited!!!