Saturday, March 23, 2013


Tonight was my 5K - it was a glow in the dark fun run.  I ran in a tutu.  :)

My Nike + said my time was 27'57" for the 5K.  That was 4 minutes faster than my fastest time so far.  I am SO PROUD!!!  

I can't wait for my next race!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

2 Day Cleanse...and running update

In preparation for my 5K on the 23rd, on Tuesday the 5th I ran my first mile in over six years...I know, that's pathetic.  Especially for someone who used to love running so much.  My time was 12:29.  Which is almost double my fastest time ever: 6:17.  But I ran it all the way without having to stop.  The next night I thought I'd try again and I ran it in 11:19.  I took off a minute and ten seconds...which I was very happy about.  Then Sunday the 10th after church I made Nathan go to the park with me and I tried outdoor running (which used to be my favorite)...I ran a mile, took a five minute breather, and then ran a second mile.  I was SO proud of myself!

Then today we met at the park again with our friends and me and Rebecca ran while the daddies watched the babies.  Our goal was to see how far we could get.  And we ran 5K!  We were so proud of ourselves!!  It definitely helped having a friend to run with...she kept me going when I wanted to quit and vice versa.  We did it in 32 minutes which is not bad at all!  

We will train a bit more and then our race is this saturday!  

Last week I also did my first 2 Day cleanse...holy smokes those are tough!!  I made sure I had food prepped ahead of time for Nathan and Miles and I didn't make any appointments those days.  I walked the morning of the first day, but after that I stayed indoors...I wanted to lay low.  And it was ok...tough, but the thought of all that fat melting away kept me going.  And you know what?? I lost 5lbs in those two days!! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

30 Days

Well I'm at the 30 Day mark for Phase II of my Isagenix journey.  I didn't do as well this time as last...and that's because I just wasn't as dedicated.  My first 30 Day period last summer I didn't cheat ONCE.  Not eve so much as a bite of fruit.  But this time I've had cheat days and snuck bites here and there of bread, chocolate, etc.  I need to be more dedicated.  But still, even with it all I've done ok.   I am a bit frustrated that 30 Days later and I"m still not back to where I left off at my 90 Day mark last year.  Once again, it's totally my fault.  If I wouldn't have fallen off the wagon so hard over the holidays I wouldn't have had so much ground to make up. live and learn I suppose. 

Here is how the 30 Days went by the numbers:

I weigh 195.5 and have lost 319.5"
I lost 10.5lbs & 12" in 30 Days

So 10.5lbs in a month is nothing to be ashamed of that's for sure.  And I have pushed myself harder at the gym this go-around than last I may have gained some muscle mass.  My body fat percentage has decreased 2.5% since I began last summer, which is great.  That needs to just keep on coming down.  

I'll be starting the 30 Day regimen back up again today...and hope for results similar or better than this 30 Days. 

And now for the photographic comparisons.  Starting Phase II is on the left, 30 Days is on the right:

I think I notice the most on the left facing picture.  I do wonder how come all my pictures are so slanted??  I do try and get them straight but I have to use a timer...ah well, at least they are all equally slanted!  :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Public accountablility...and reporting on the overnight cleanse

First - the overnight cleanse was great.  I totally spaced taking a before weight, so I can't give you exact numbers, but I know it was at least 1.5lbs.  BUT it was SO much easier.  I ate lunch, then waited and did a cleanse at 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 5am, 8am, & 11am, and then had an IsaLean bar at 3.  It was easier to have slept through half of it.  

And now for the public accountability...I (along with a few friends) are signing up to run a 5K on the 23rd of this month.  There is also a 2K option in case my stupid knee decides 5K is too much.  (stupid knee) But my goal is the 5K.  It should be will be held at night and we are supposed to wear glow-in-the-dark clothes, etc. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Overnight cleanse

I decided to try and overnight cleanse.  I can do the whole day ones, but I thought I would just test and see if the results are similar.  So today I ate my lunch (lettuce wraps, parsnip chips, cucumber, hummus, and a pickle) and then I started cleansing 4 hours later.  I plan on doing two cleanses tonight, then another three tomorrow and then ending with a shake at 3pm.  

I'll let you know how it goes!