Wednesday, October 23, 2013


You may have noticed that it's been a while since I posted.  Well, there is a very good reason for that.  

Yep.  We were surprised too.  Shortly after my last post I went on vacation to the US and while there discovered that my body had decided to work properly.  After almost TEN YEARS of not working properly.  Do I think it's a coincidence?  No way.  The way my lifestyle has changed and the healthy choices I've been making because of Isagenix had 100% influence on me finally getting pregnant.  So I am still trying to eat as healthy as possible, using shakes and IsaLean Bars for breakfasts and meals on the go...but I won't be jumping back into the 30-Day program until after the baby comes.  

Best wishes to you all in your continued work
- I'll see you next year!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Phase II 90 Days

Well another milepost has come...and more weight has been shed.  Over the last 30 days I've lost 7.5lbs, 6.5" and 1% of body fat!  I will admit, I worked really hard the last 30 days and so to see those numbers be so small is a little disheartening.  I've been amping up my running in prep for the marathon and watching what I eat...I just seem to have hit a plateau.  I've been 188 for almost two weeks...I lost that 7.5lbs in the first two weeks of this 30 Days. 

Here are my Phase II 90 Day Stats:

Body Fat: 38%
Total inches: 307.5"

And here are the pics:  

First up is the Phase II 90 Day pic set: 

Now the comparisons from the Beginning of Phase II to now:
L: Feb 12, 2013
R: May 13, 2013

L: Feb 12, 2013
R: May 13, 2013

L: Feb 12, 2013
R: May 13, 2013

It is a bit frustrating to look at those and not see bigger results...then I have to remind myself *just* how far I've come: 
L: July 9, 2012
R: May 13, 2013

I am doing a modified Isagenix plan for now.  I am having a shake for breakfast and then sensible lunches and dinners.  I am expending MANY more calories as I begin training for my half and full marathons and I want to make sure I'm giving my body the fuel it needs.  It was a tough call to make, because I still am not at my goal weight, but I want to be sure and do the marathon the healthy way.  And I think I will still lose a bit during my training...and I will hopefully not fall off the wagon as hard this time.  :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Biggest Loser!

Two months ago a few friends started a Biggest Loser competition to motivate each other to lose some weight.  The results were announced today and I WON!!!  I lose 9.44% of my body weight in the time of the competition...from 206.5 to 187lbs. 

I am so proud of myself!!  My goal for the competition was to lose 15lbs but I lost 19.5!  (My Two Day Cleanse this week really helped!!)

I tried to find some pictures...these are the closest I could find to the correct dates and it's just my face...but I think you can see it, right?

 I also got invited to join another Biggest Loser starts April 28th and runs for six weeks.  I can't wait to put 110% into that and see what it gets me. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring into Action Challenge!

I accepted the challenge from a friend who has had great success with Isagenix...she actually won two years ago (Jill Birth).  She created a back-to-back 9 Day Cleanse challenge...and is calling it the Spring into Action!  I desperately needed something to help my motivation so I gladly hopped on board.  

It starts today with a shake day.  Then it goes two cleanse days, five shake days, two cleanse, five shake, two cleanse, one shake.  So 18 days total...with 6 of those being cleanse days.  Intense.  BUT...if I stick with it I should see some pretty big results.  And heaven knows after my abysmal 60 Day check-in I need to jump-start this motivation.  I am using my measurements from yesterday as my starting point (that worked out nicely!)  My goals are to lose 15lbs and NOT CHEAT for 18 days.   

beginning weight: 195.5
beginning inches: 314"

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Phase II: 60 Days

Well I hit my 60 Day mark.  I didn't do so well this stretch.  I had Nathan's b-day and Easter and my race and a trip to Berlin...and I just cheated too many days.  It's sort of frustrating because I KNOW how well the products work, but some days I just can't tap the motivation to stick with it.  I am exercising regularly, however, which is an improvement over last summer.  I like to think that is part of the reason why I didn't lost as much in weight this month...because I really have been pushing it hard at the gym...circuit training, running, Jillian Michaels (holy crap she's tough!)

Here is my 60 Day check-in by the numbers: 

 I lost 0lbs :(
but I lost 1% of my body fat and 5.5"

Not my best month...but even though I didn't see the results on the scale I can tell on the pics.  See for yourself: first the total picture...60 days in.  

Then for the comparisons from my 30 Day mark
I see it on my back and waist.  That pinch of fat is getting smaller, and my sports bra doesn't seem to squeeze so much excess.

I know this is weird...but I see it in my knees. 

And here I see it a tiny bit on my tummy, and on my knees and elbow. 
So I am pleased that at least I can see a little change but wish it was more...I need to work hard the next 30 days and get some BIG results!! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Tonight was my 5K - it was a glow in the dark fun run.  I ran in a tutu.  :)

My Nike + said my time was 27'57" for the 5K.  That was 4 minutes faster than my fastest time so far.  I am SO PROUD!!!  

I can't wait for my next race!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

2 Day Cleanse...and running update

In preparation for my 5K on the 23rd, on Tuesday the 5th I ran my first mile in over six years...I know, that's pathetic.  Especially for someone who used to love running so much.  My time was 12:29.  Which is almost double my fastest time ever: 6:17.  But I ran it all the way without having to stop.  The next night I thought I'd try again and I ran it in 11:19.  I took off a minute and ten seconds...which I was very happy about.  Then Sunday the 10th after church I made Nathan go to the park with me and I tried outdoor running (which used to be my favorite)...I ran a mile, took a five minute breather, and then ran a second mile.  I was SO proud of myself!

Then today we met at the park again with our friends and me and Rebecca ran while the daddies watched the babies.  Our goal was to see how far we could get.  And we ran 5K!  We were so proud of ourselves!!  It definitely helped having a friend to run with...she kept me going when I wanted to quit and vice versa.  We did it in 32 minutes which is not bad at all!  

We will train a bit more and then our race is this saturday!  

Last week I also did my first 2 Day cleanse...holy smokes those are tough!!  I made sure I had food prepped ahead of time for Nathan and Miles and I didn't make any appointments those days.  I walked the morning of the first day, but after that I stayed indoors...I wanted to lay low.  And it was ok...tough, but the thought of all that fat melting away kept me going.  And you know what?? I lost 5lbs in those two days!! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

30 Days

Well I'm at the 30 Day mark for Phase II of my Isagenix journey.  I didn't do as well this time as last...and that's because I just wasn't as dedicated.  My first 30 Day period last summer I didn't cheat ONCE.  Not eve so much as a bite of fruit.  But this time I've had cheat days and snuck bites here and there of bread, chocolate, etc.  I need to be more dedicated.  But still, even with it all I've done ok.   I am a bit frustrated that 30 Days later and I"m still not back to where I left off at my 90 Day mark last year.  Once again, it's totally my fault.  If I wouldn't have fallen off the wagon so hard over the holidays I wouldn't have had so much ground to make up. live and learn I suppose. 

Here is how the 30 Days went by the numbers:

I weigh 195.5 and have lost 319.5"
I lost 10.5lbs & 12" in 30 Days

So 10.5lbs in a month is nothing to be ashamed of that's for sure.  And I have pushed myself harder at the gym this go-around than last I may have gained some muscle mass.  My body fat percentage has decreased 2.5% since I began last summer, which is great.  That needs to just keep on coming down.  

I'll be starting the 30 Day regimen back up again today...and hope for results similar or better than this 30 Days. 

And now for the photographic comparisons.  Starting Phase II is on the left, 30 Days is on the right:

I think I notice the most on the left facing picture.  I do wonder how come all my pictures are so slanted??  I do try and get them straight but I have to use a timer...ah well, at least they are all equally slanted!  :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Public accountablility...and reporting on the overnight cleanse

First - the overnight cleanse was great.  I totally spaced taking a before weight, so I can't give you exact numbers, but I know it was at least 1.5lbs.  BUT it was SO much easier.  I ate lunch, then waited and did a cleanse at 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 5am, 8am, & 11am, and then had an IsaLean bar at 3.  It was easier to have slept through half of it.  

And now for the public accountability...I (along with a few friends) are signing up to run a 5K on the 23rd of this month.  There is also a 2K option in case my stupid knee decides 5K is too much.  (stupid knee) But my goal is the 5K.  It should be will be held at night and we are supposed to wear glow-in-the-dark clothes, etc. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Overnight cleanse

I decided to try and overnight cleanse.  I can do the whole day ones, but I thought I would just test and see if the results are similar.  So today I ate my lunch (lettuce wraps, parsnip chips, cucumber, hummus, and a pickle) and then I started cleansing 4 hours later.  I plan on doing two cleanses tonight, then another three tomorrow and then ending with a shake at 3pm.  

I'll let you know how it goes!  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How bad do you want it?

I just spent the last hour alone in a yurt, in a deserted crater of a volcano, in a storm, after dark.  

a case you didn't know what one was.

Why?  Because I needed to get my workout in for the day.  The whole experience gave me the heebie majeebies...but I put my earphones in and blasted my music and tried not to think of all the possible crazies that were sitting outside the windows watching me, waiting for their chance to strike.  I could have easily said I'd "make it up tomorrow" with a "double" workout...but I am not going to let myself off that easy.  I hurried as fast as I could to do my workout and got the heck out of there before someone in a Jason mask showed up.  

You know what it taught me?  

I want this.  


Not this - as in being freaked out in a yurt hoping not to die at the hands of a homicidal maniac.  


I want to be toned, and healthy, and fit.  And I'm not going to get it by filling my mouth with crap food OR excuses.  

I have a few friends who are also trying to lose weight right now...some are struggling and I wonder if they really WANT it bad enough.  I know for years I didn't.  I had every excuse in the book to keep me from the gym and keep me from eating better.  No time, genetics, trying to get pregnant, grieving, tired, sick, long work day, no food I like, blah, blah, blah.  

I'm glad I'm now in a better place.  I've actually come to love my hour in the gym each day.  I push hard and love when my brow drips with sweat.  I love that I can now do 5 pushups in a row (a HUGE feat...I haven't been able to do pushups in YEARS...I can't wait until it is 50 in a row) I love that my legs are weak when I walk to my car, and that when I get home, climbing the 60 stairs up to our apartment feels like torture.  I love when my abs are so sore the next day that sitting up out of bed burns. 

Living the Isagenix lifestyle isn't easy.  It takes commitment and planning and sacrifice.  I do have to give up things, like dinners out with the girls because I don't want to take my shake and drink it at the table.  And I don't get to munch on popcorn while we watch an evening movie.  But you know what I will get?  More years on my life...and not just bottom of the barrel, crappy years...but HEALTHY years.  

So my question to you, my friends is this:

How bad do you want it??

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Isagenix is proving to be tougher this go-around.  I'm still happy with's just that when dinner time rolls around the LAST thing I want to eat is a cold shake.  Our house is about 50 degrees in the evenings (overnight it gets colder...darn cement houses!) and so I usually drink my shake as fast as possible while snuggled under 2-3 quilts with a space heater blasting right on me.  And then I'm all shivery for the evening.  I did learn that Isagenix has a soup mix, so I'm ordering some of that...I'll report how that goes.  

As for new foods...I've tried roasted chickpeas for a snack and they were delicious!!  They are also super easy.  Drain a can of chickpeas (I use the low sodium ones), add 1 Tbs olive oil, seasonings (I've been using cumin, garlic, cayenne & chipotle), spread in baking dish in single layer and bake at 425 for 20 mins, stir and bake another 10.  I also made roasted brussels sprouts...which was the FIRST time I've ever had brussels sprouts and MAN ALIVE...they are wicked delicious!!!  I caramelized some onions, then added the brussels sprouts (halved), a little salt & pepper, tossed them together in a baking dish and roasted them in the oven for 15 mins or so.  Yummy!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I'm not even a week into this and I've cheated.  I had a really tough day yesterday and I rewarded myself with cheating.  I HATE that my mind automatically thinks like that.  I am NOT a dog...I should not be rewarded and/or consoled with food.  I should not WANT to be rewarded like that.  I will have to come up with something different to reward diet-faithfulness.  

But today I'm back on it...and I'm doing a cleanse day.  I am hungry (obviously...) but it's going ok.  No cheating today!   You would think this Phase II would be easier...because I know how well Isagenix works.  But no.  I've found myself more tempted to cheat this go-around than before.  I've had to be VERY diligent about keeping food prepped and ready so I don't use the "I don't want to cook lunch" excuse.  Eh.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Phase II

We started up the 30 Day program again...I say we, although Nathan is already back at his goal weight so now it's just me. 

The holidays were rough on my body.  I WAY overindulged and didn't exercise at all. I took some before pics for Phase II (that's what I'm calling this go-around).  I was really dissapointed that I let myself go that crazy over the holidays.  I gained back almost 20lbs of what I worked so hard to lose.  And it was all my fault.  Pizza, Coke, candy, baked goods, chips, pasta....and in excessive quantities.  

So here it goes...I'm back on the horse!  

First a comparison of where I left off (at 90 days) and where I'm beginning again:

I gained back 13.5lbs & 20.5".  Ouch.  

Here are my beginning shots for Phase II:

And here are my stats:

Holly's Phase II Before Stats: 
Weight: 206
Total inches: 331.5"

Neck: 14.25"
Upper arm left: 13"
Upper arm right: 13"
Chest (boobs): 42.5"
Diaphragm: 37"
Waist (at belly button): 40.75"
Natural Waist (skinniest part): 36"
Buttocks: 46.5"
Upper thigh left: 27.75"
Upper thigh right: 27.75"
Calf left: 16.5"
Calf right: 16.5"
My goal is to wear a bikini this summer.  A cute one...without a whole lot of extra hanging out all over.  :)
Here we go!!